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May 01, 2020 3 min read

The Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic is not a game. As places begin to re-open, let’s think about our lives, the lives of our love ones, the lives of our essential workers, and the lives of their families. They are on the forefront of this pandemic. I want to send a special shout out and a HUGE “THANK YOU” to all the doctors and nurses battling this disease with everything in them and the sacrifices that they’re making to keep everyone alive. And, what they must endure every day is unimaginable. It’s so selfless of them to put their lives at risk each and every day for our well-being. I have a cousin who’s a nurse that left her family and home to assist with the COVID-19 crisis in New York. My heart, thoughts, and prayers are with you and your team, until you return home to your families safe and well.

Listen, if you can work from home or your finances can allow you to stay home, please do so. Don’t go to the barbershop to get a fresh cut, get your nails done, or get a massage. Take this time to learn how to cut your own hair and do your nails. You need a massage? Have your significant other give you one. Or, if you have little ones, lay on the floor and have them walk on your back, if that’s the case. Make it game! My bad, I forgot…maybe you’re bored. Get creative. Take this time to explore YOU. I bet that there’s things that you can do that you never thought you could do. Or, better yet, create a new recipe. My auntie called and told me that she made a new recipe for pecan muffins. Then, had the nerve to brag about how good they were! lol Hopefully, she’ll make them again one day, after this pandemic. Explore yourself, you may be surprised at what else you can do. Just stay home.

On the other hand, you may be in a financial situation that doesn’t allow you to stay home. And, teleworking or working remotely may not be an option for you. Keep your immune system boosted by eating the right foods, like fruits and vegetables, take vitamins, and drink hot liquids such as hot tea throughout the day. Take the necessary precautions to keep you and your family well and healthy. Stay home as much as you can.

Stay informed with the best ways to protect yourself and with the latest news about COVID-19. Stay tuned to your local and national news to know what’s going on around you and in other countries. Or, go online to check for information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html) and World Health Organization (https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public).

Take social distancing, seriously. You’re putting your life at great risk with social gatherings. But, don’t just think about yourself, you’re putting your loved ones at risk too. On a real note, if you don’t care about your life, think about health professionals and essential workers who put their lives on the line for yours every day. They want to go home to their families safe and well. My great grandmother (Big Momma) lost the battle to COVID-19. Now, she’s resting peacefully. I will forever hold the memories of her in my heart. She will be missed.

I hope that this post will help and encourage someone to take the necessary precautions to protect themselves and their families from this deadly disease, regardless of different establishments and other public areas being re-opened. There’s nothing more valuable than your life and the lives of your family. Please stay home or stay home as much as you can for those who need to work outside the home. With love…T.R.U.T.H.

 Photo by Rigged Photography on Unsplash

The T.R.U.T.H.
The T.R.U.T.H.

Also in T.R.U.T.H. JUICE

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